Live & Learn

My nose is a little stuffed from allergies. I can still slightly breathe through my nostrils, but my sense of smell is poorer than usual today. As I walked to the office bathroom, two women exited and one said to the other “Ooh, that felt good.” I knew what that

Lost Poop

When I gotta go and I can’t, I lose my poop. That happens when I have a bowel movement while I’m out and nowhere near a bathroom. With a bit of effort I’m able to shut my bunghole tight enough so no solids escape, but if I hold it too


My wedding came and went last week, and I am happy to say that I’ve stopped my chicken and no shits diet. I’m back to eating whatever the hell I want, and I’ve put on five pounds in less than a week. I’ve also been taking massive dumps since I’ve